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Flame Career Academy

25/3 D Block, Janakpuri Institutional Area (Near Masjid) New Delhi - 110058

011-45509666, 7428252231


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XI & XII (Science)
XI & XII (Commerce)
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India has different identities with melting pot of culture and diversity. But in the contemporary business world its identity has emerged as an IT superpower. Toward this IT engineers and companies from Indian has played an important role and made significant contribution.

Today India IT companies have more than 1000 delivery centres all across the world in nearly 80 countries with diversification in banking, financial and insurance ,telecommunication and retail services and so on.

As per India Brand Equity Foundation Website, our country’s  IT and ITeS grew to US$181 billion in 2018 – 19. Exports from the industry increased to US$ 137 billion in the financial year 2018 – 19 while domestic revenues climbed to US$ 37 billion. IT is playing the key role in empowering Digital India and opening for career and job opportunities.

Over the years information technology has evolved and expanded with few parallels. it has different domains  and departments which are appended as below.


Computer programmers have always been in demand and will remain so. They are engaged in writing, testing and maintaining the programme or software. Programmers are

  • Application Programmers write software to deal with a specific job or function.
  • Systems Programmers work on operating systems and may be given the responsibility of their maintenance and control.

There are various programming languages to be learnt by programmers. These are:

  • Web Design:        We are now used to surfing various internet sites for    knowledge, information and entertainment. Web designing involves     integration of text pictures and images to create an interface as per     requirements of clients.
  • Data Base Specialists:     Data base specialists design, install, update,  modify and maintain computer databases for a variety of applications   and providing training for use of databases.
  • Data Base Management/ Administration: Organizations using IT processes use/ generate huge amount of data. This data has to be  accurate and available as and when needed. Data base Managers/   Administrators ensure this.
  • Information Security :  The field of information security is besieged  with various risks which are growing day by day. Information security is  meant to minimise these risks. It involves to develop a secure IT   structure like fire wall, encryption etc.
  • Game Development :     Both programming and designing skills are required in game development. The job involves long hours of work and   patience and gives you an opportunity to create something which is enjoyed by millions of people all over the world.
  • Systems Analyst   :         Systems Analyst are also referred as systems  developer and system architect. Their job involves enabling computer  technology to meet individual systems architect. They also prepare work         diagrams and structure charts for programmers to follow.
  • Software Testing             :    Before software is made open to use it has to be ensured that all the parameters are met and there is sustainability and   smoothness in its functioning. Software testers carry our rigorous testing of    
  • Networking Things like anywhere banking and reservation in any  train at any station have been possible because of an integrated system   in which computers at different places are networked with each other.

Emerging Areas in IT 

In addition to the above those who like to work in IT, have opportunities to engage in emerging areas like Cloud computing, Internet of Things (loT), Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, Block chain Technology etc.

Hiring of IT professionals By.     

  • Tata Consultancy Services, Infosys Technologies, WIPRO, Capgemini, HCL, Cognizant, Accenture, L & T InfoTech, Tech Mahindra, Mphasis are amongst biggest IT companies in India and are  also operating abroad. In many cases these companies go for campus selection for bulk of their manpower requirements.
  • E - Commerce Companies have expanded in the country like anything. Their entire system including ordering, delivery management is IT enabled and thus they need IT people in large numbers. Call centres also offer work opportunities.
  • Telecommunication Companies, computer hardware manufacturers, mobile handset manufacturers need IT people in different roles.
  • Consultancies Firms also need experienced IT professional from different domain to work for their clients on various projects.
  • Research oriented IT professional, the C-DAC, IDRBT also provides good opportunity. IT giants like Microsoft and IBM also provide research opportunities.

Entry Routes

  • For IT careers DOECC, established by Department of information Technology, Government of India grants accreditation to computer training institutes in non – formal sector, subject to their meeting defined norms and criteria to conduct specified level courses, ranging from ‘O’ level to ‘C’ level, as per description below:

‘O’ level – Equivalent to Foundation Level Course

‘A’ level – Equivalent to Advanced Diploma in Computer Applications

‘B’ level Equivalent to MCA

‘C’ level Equivalent to M. Tech. In Computer Science

  • Diploma Courses.     3 years Diploma Courses from Polytechnics in Computer Engineering / Information Technology – Entry requirement HSC/ Metric.
  • Graduate Courses           Graduate courses can be taken up after HSC (10 + 2). IT related graduate come in different shapes such as B.Sc (IT), BCA,B.E, B.Tech. in specified branches like Electronics/ Electronics & Telecommunication/Computer Science/Software Engineering / Information Technology. Diploma and graduate engineers in mechanical engineering may also be considered for certain IT jobs.
  • Postgraduate Courses – MCA/M.Sc/M.Tech in information Technology disciplines can be also pursued after graduation. Duration is 2-3 years.
  • MBA with Specialization in information Technology is also offered at certain institutes. Recently new curses like MBA in Data Science/ Data Analytics/ Business Analytics have also come up.